Welcome to the Marple Website

Keep an eye out for this logo as things happen in Marple!

The Marple Vision Team comprises Marple traders, community organisations and local councillors working together to help make improvements to the town, and getting behind the organisers of local events to help keep Marple's District Centre thriving.

Marple Vision Team Logo

Marple Stakeholder Workshop

Back in Spring 2022 Stockport Council worked with the Institute of Place Management (IPM) to help understand what might help Marple's District Centre to thrive and be strong. A workshop was held that brought together local stakeholders including retailers, community groups, and Ward Councillors. Along with detailed information on how Marple District Centre was performing, feedback from this workshop formed the basis of an IPM report culminating in a series of recommendations for Repositioning, Reinventing, Rebranding and Restructuring, with suggested quick wins and longer term priorities.

Marple Vision Team is formed

Supported by the council's District Centre Manager Richard Daniels, The Marple Vision Team evolved from this process. Through a series of follow-on workshops, local stakeholders such as traders, Make it Marple, Marple Fest, Marple Civic Society, Friends of Marple Memorial Park, The Marple Website, Marple Community Hub and others were brought together to work alongside local councillors, ensuring a diverse input to create an Action Plan for Marple that would reflect a wide variety of views and ideas for projects to improve the town.

Orange LogoBlue LogoGreen Logo 

The Marple Vision Team logo was produced in a selection of colours by local web and graphic designer John Robinson, along with the set of mini-graphic assets below. Local Marple based providers will be encouraged to use them whenever appropriate.

BuntingChevronsCanal Bridge SignFlowerLocksLeafOpen SignTulip

Early successes

Working through the Action Plan the Marple Vision Team has already set up the Voluntary Community Toilet Scheme and The Marple Community Noticeboard situated on Hollins Lane.

Community Toilet Scheme

The Voluntary Community Toilet scheme means there are a number of businesses that encourage you to use their facilities with a message to visitors to shop local and use local services. Visit www.marple.website/toilets to see the list of participating businesses.

Community Toilet Scheme

All our amazing Marple businesses are the beating heart of our community, and a special thanks to those who are able to participate in the Marple Community Toilet Scheme. This means that they have offered their loos for use to the community should you get caught short whilst out shopping etc. (disabled toilets are also available). This means that you don’t have to make a purchase on that particular day but maybe acknowledge their kindness by popping in again another day for a coffee or a drink etc. If your business would like to join the scheme please get in touch.

Community Noticeboard

The Community Noticeboard custom designed and manufactured by Helen Middleton Studio for the Marple Vision Team is a great and long awaited asset, especially for those people that don't have the Internet or social media.


The board is located on the wall of the former Barclays Bank (opposite Ridings Opticians and Goslings Toy shop). It is updated each week by volunteer Julie Evans and if you would like to promote your community event, just leave a flyer / poster (no larger than A4) at the card factory or Julian Wadden Estate and Lettings Agents on the Hollins a couple of weeks in advance.

Ongoing projects

Ongoing projects include work with Marple Men in Sheds and Helen Middleton Studio to create wooden planters with the aim of adding greenery and improving the appearance of shopfronts. Local schools and groups are providing artwork to create a metal covers for each planter so that they will be unique to Marple. Check out this project here: Marple District Centre Planters.

men in shedsHelen Middleton

Other key activities ongoing

Other key activities include supporting Marple CarnivalMarple Fest and Make it Marple events, and support of the Marple Fest scheme to provide festoon lighting on Market Street and Derby Way, and the Plastic Free Marple Festive cups scheme too.

Marple Festoon LightsPlastic Free Marple

Find out more...

To find out more about the Marple Vision Team and how you can support the work please contact Richard Daniels, District Centre Manager via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Marple Places