Welcome to the Marple Website

Police covering Marple and District

Everyone who would like to help reduce and prevent crime in Marple should find the information on this page of use.

You can discuss local crime issues on social media to your hearts content but this is not monitored by the police, who will only recognise issues reported to them via 101 / 999 or the GMP web site, see links below.

Please report to the police using their formal methods:

It's extremely import that all crimes and incidents are reported if the Police are to have a clear picture of what is going on in our area. Victims can even report crimes that they do not want to pursue and it can be written up for closure on low level incidents but at least it is reported. If Police don’t get crimes reported then they cannot justify asking for extra resources. 

If you wish to report something of a non urgent nature (i.e. crime or ASB related problems) call 101, or use the Online Chat or the "Contact Us" tabs via the links below. To to speak to one of our local police officers personally, then ring: 0161 856 9782 or 0161 856 9973.

If they are out in the area (which is quite likely) you will get their answer machine, leave a message and contact number and they will definitely get back to you.

Contact your Area Policing Team

Contact our neighbourhood Policing Team

Our Neighbourhood Policing Team:

For details of our Marple and District Neighbourhood Policing Teams follow the links below:

Marple North:


Marple South:


Marple Bridge:


High Lane:


For latest information always check the GMP Site: https://www.gmp.police.uk/

999 - Only to be used for an EMERGENCY CALL

An EMERGENCY CALL is where there is an immediate threat to life or property. For example, where someone is being attacked or threatened, or where there is a burglary in progress.

If, for example you return home to find that your home has been burgled or your car has been stolen, although it is bound to be a distressing situation, if there is no immediate danger you should call the non-emergency number or Online Chat in order to keep the 999 lines clear.

To report all NON EMERGENCIES the number to ring is: 101

You can also contact Crime Stoppers.

Crime Stoppers

This is an independent charitable trust that works alongside the police and allows a person who wishes to report a crime or give information relating to a crime to do so with complete anonymity.

The advantages of this scheme are:

Your call is free. You will not be asked for your name. You may receive an award.

REMEMBER - This is not a replacement for ringing 999 in an emergency

Don't forget, preventing a crime is far better than reporting a crime, so if you do not already have one, why not consider getting together with your neighbours and forming a NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH GROUP.

Click here for more about Neighbourhood Watch and how to set up your own group.

Marple Places