Saturday 22nd February 1969 - Hayfield Circular
The following members [if list is found] assembled at Marple Station at about 09.20 hrs, to board the train for Hayfield.
Phil Stafford | Chris Robins | Chris Gorman | Dan McGookin |
John Woodward | Trevor Wild | Kevin Suffell | Mr R Booth |
Andrew Norman | Andrew Howie | Graham Booth | Mr F R Mason |
The route planned was from Hayfield onto Kinder via Tunsteads, on to Kinder Low, and so on a circular route back to Hayfield.
As we moved along the FP (footpath) parallel to Kinder Road, much snow was seen on Kinder altho' the summit was in cloud, snow-laden cloud; an icily biting cold wind ripped down from the higher levels, and we were daunted.
WW1971-001 an image from 1971
In fact the leaders decided it would be inadvisable to push on over the planned route, we therefore continued along paths adjacent to Kinder Road as far as the water works, and then climbed the steep bank of White Brow, and from there followed the snow-covered track toward Carr Meadow. This usually pleasant but unexciting couple of miles was, on this occasion, very difficult, covered as it was by deep snow, in places 10-15 ft deep, and deep cut Middle Moor Brook was almost level - here we ate lunch and had practice digging shelters.
When we reached the road at Carr Meadow, the fun was not over as the road was, in many places, buried under snowdrifts 10-15 ft deep.
We reached Hayfield at about 14.30, and returned quite early to Marple. Although a considerable deviation from the planned route, this day was great fun and will be well remembered.
(Here the reports come to an end, half way through an exercise book. From this date on information on the Rambling Club walks is taken from the Name Book; these are in a separate file)
Marple Rambling Club was founded in 1967. Frank Mason was one of the founding members.