Saturday 26th November 1965 - Dunford Bridge to Tintwistle
Planned route: Dunford Bridge, Crowden, Tintwistle.
Those taking part were:
Kevin James | Stephen Smith | Eric O'Neill | Chris Gorman |
Peter Wilson | Phil Towel | Brenda Cauldwell | Chris Ridgway |
John Boothroyd | H Sinclair | Nick Grundy | Eric Crossley |
Ben Wayling | Simon James | Robert Wiltshire | Dennis Kidd |
Nick Hassel | Phil Parker | Mary Boothroyd | |
Stephen Morris | Paul Buxcey | Michael Thornton | Leaders |
Simon Andrew | Chris McCarthy | A Kirkman | F R Mason |
David Ashley | Leslie Priestnall | Andrew Hill | T F Mason |
Neil Crawford | Maurice Kime | Paul Mallett | R Booth |
Stephen Wood | Bill Grundy | Michael Ash | Colin Booth |
On the way out by bus we stopped at Crowden to check on the boundary of the access area; found that the area does not extend to Dunford Bridge.
Stopped the bus at the Dunford Bridge fork and from there set course approx 290o for the 1st tunnel ventilating shaft. As we started heavy snow commenced and the icy wind increased to gale force; it was grim.
WW1965-024 It was grim
When we struggled up to the ventilating shaft and rested, it was discovered that several youngsters had no head protection and no gloves. These lads just could not have survived for long; fortunately gloves and head protection were found for them.
Progress was very slow as the snow was deep over ground covered with great tufty hummocks of grass.
The weather improved as we approached Little Intake, where we stopped in a sheltered spot for lunch. After lunch we climbed out of the valley across a long stretch of Moor, finally to drop down to the Holmfirth Road. Here we stopped to ascertain if some wished to break off and complete the journey along the road - several were tempted, but not enough to warrant the split.
We then dropped down to the river and clawed our way up the long steep slope on the other side, rested a while at the top, and then headed towards Crowden.
By this time the weather was clear and sunny, but very cold, but we enjoyed fine views of snow-covered Beaklow and Longdendale. However, as we approached Crowden we realised that we could not make Tintwistle over the tops by dark - we had averaged only just over 1mph across the snow. Dark clouds were building up in the west, threatening more snow.
WW1965-025 Longdendale
WW1965-026 We enjoyed fine views of snow-covered Bleaklow and Longdendale
Finally we dropped into the valley and joined the rough path passing the range and so down to Crowden YH. Here we stayed awhile before walking on towards Tintwhistle along the road.
Darkness had fallen well before we reached Tintwistle - we could not possibly have made it over the top in daylight. In any case many of the party were exhausted by continued cold and ploughing through the snow.
We filled the top deck of a bus to Glossop from Tintwistle; the conductor of this bus was kind enough to arrange a ‘duplicate' to take us from Glossop to Marple. It is nice to meet these good natured folk.
Had some litter trouble while waiting for the bus at Tintwistle - this weakness must be cured.
(in a pupils writing is added ‘The female sex was morally supported by 3 girls')