Willows School Summer Walking Holidays
For an amazing 17 years Frank Mason led parties of school children from the "Willows" on annual walking holidays to Youth Hostels in the Lake District, Wales, Scotland and the Isle of Arran. This section features Frank's written reports and photographs taken during these adventures. During the latter years Frank recorded the holidays on cine film and we hope to be able to expand the web site to include extracts from these 'movies' in the future.
Arran 1964
Thirty-five pupils, including two from Marple Hall and one ex, plus three adults attended the second Willows School YHA holiday to the Isle of Arran. One of the adults went as 'cook' and three pupils were designated as 'Junior Leaders'. Unfortunately we only have one photo from this trip - of Frank lighting his pipe - and a list participants in the holiday.
- Hits: 2585
Scotland 1965
Thirty-six pupils, including two from Marple Hall, and eight adults attended this Willows School YHA holiday to Scotland during Whitsun of 1965. This holiday record contains a list of participants plus a photographic record of the group's second expedition to Scotland.
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Wales 1966
Thirty-eight pupils and four adults attended the second Willows School YHA holiday in Wales between 1st and 11th June 1966. This page contains a record of the participants, a daily diary and some supplementary information.
Unfortunately no photographs have yet been found of this holiday.
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Lake District 1967
Thirty-one pupils and three adults attended the fourth Willows School YHA holiday in the Lake District during the 1967 Whitsun holidays.
This page contains a record of the participants and the only two photographs taken during the holiday that have been discovered.
- Hits: 2679
Arran 1968
Forty-five pupils, including eight from Marple Hall, and six adults attended this Willows School YHA holiday to Arran during Whitsun of 1968. This page contains a list of participants plus a photographic record of the group's third trip to the Isle of Arran.
- Hits: 3118
Scotland 1969
Thirty-three pupils and five adults attended this Willows School YHA holiday to Scotland during Whitsun of 1969.
This page contains a list of participants plus a photographic record of the group's third Scottish holiday and the last for which any have been found.
- Hits: 3189