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Marple Carnival

Contact Person: See own web site
Area: Marple
Town: Stockport
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Marple Carnival (in its modern form) has been a highlight of the community calendar since 1962!

Held on the third Saturday of June it is a mixture of traditional parade and modern arena fun. The Parade, headed by the Carnival Queen, is a colourful and musical procession through the streets of Marple. In Memorial Park, arenas and a variety of stalls provide all-day attractions.

Faces of Marple Carnival  Faces of Marple Carnival  Faces of Marple Carnival  Faces of Marple Carnival

Morley's Funfair has been linked to the Carnival since the late sixties. With a small fair for young children in Memorial Park on the day and a larger set of rides (for those seeking bigger thrills!) available all weekend in Brabyns Park there is something for everyone to enjoy.

For a pictorial record of Marple's Carnivals visit the Events section of the Virtual Tour of Marple.

Many people think the Carnival takes place overnight but this is far from the truth. Planning and fund raising is an all-year-round task. The Carnival Car Boot Sales at Rose Hill Station on the last Sunday of each month between April and September make a major contribution to these funds. The dates and times of the Boot Sales are detailed in the Community Events section of the Notice Board.

Faces of Marple Carnival  Faces of Marple Carnivalf  Faces of Marple Carnival  Faces of Marple Carnival

The Carnival is organised by dedicated volunteers and they always need extra help. If you are interested in getting involved to ensure that this great local event continues for many years to come, please get in touch with Chairman John Wright through the contact details above.

From 1998 to 2011 the Carnival had its own pages on this site but from 2012 Marple Website Design and Hosting provided a free web site for Marple Carnival to celebrate the carnival's 50th anniversary.

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