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Rose Hill Primary School

Contact Person: School Admin
Address: Elmfield Drive
Area: Marple
Town: Stockport
Postcode: SK6 6DW
Phone: 0161 427 9168
Fax: 0161 427 4228
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Rose Hill Primary School

At Rose Hill Primary School, we work together as a community to provide a happy, safe and supportive atmosphere, where we are proud to achieve. Everyone is valued as an individual and strives to achieve excellence.

Our school is an inclusive community where everyone will be treated with equal concern and given equality of opportunity regardless of gender, special needs, disability or race.

Our school will be a welcoming, friendly and happy place where children feel secure.

There will be a strong commitment to helping all children to succeed, build their self-esteem, determination and self-confidence.

Children will have the courage to accept a challenge.

Children will learn from each other and their families are encouraged to participate in their children’s learning.

The school recognises the importance of the wider community and fully supports these partnerships.

Teaching and learning will be matched to the individual needs of the child.

We will provide a broad, balanced and inspirational curriculum using a wide variety of teaching strategies.

All children will respect and take responsibility for themselves, other people and the environment.

Map Location:
Marple Places
